Friday, January 2, 2015

How Much Water is Too Much Water?

How Much Water is Too Much Water?

Water, glorious water.  Nectar of the Gods for the human body.  We all know that in order to keep hydrated we need to be drinking plenty of water!  It does so many wonderful things for your body, it's hard to say anything bad about it!  I, for one, love drinking additives (lemon, crystal light, etc) needed.  I know that is not how it is for everyone but you gotta do what you gotta do to get the right amount of water in.

Now here is where I need your weigh in!  How much water is too much water?  After reading the article linked below, I was jazzed and wanted to see if I to, could do this, and how it would benefit me!  But upon speaking with some of my co-workers (who are in the business of health care) they said that 1 gallon is too much because you will flush everything out and if you are on medication that it would flush all of that out too.

Woman Drinks Gallon of Water a Day and the Results Are Shocking

So, here is my question to you:

How much water should a man and a woman (respectively) drink in one day?

I've heard 8 - 8 oz glasses, I've heard 2.2 litres.  But what is it really?  And I don't want a minimum amount, I want the amount that is important to living your healthiest!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!! :)