Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Emotional Wellness - Part One - What is emotional wellness?

Your journey begins and ends with your emotional wellness.

It's imperative that you have the ability to recognize how important your emotions are.

Those feelings dictate so much of our lives.  They become so automatic we don't even realize it's happening most of the time.  Think about the last time you were quick to anger or sensitive to what someone was saying.

When we do realize how much we are effected by something emotionally, we suck it up, sweep it under the rug or do whatever we need to, to keep on truckin'.  Think about a time when you just couldn't deal with it but had to keep going regardless of how you felt.

The problem with that process is that it doesn't just go away.  It's builds up, it piles up and it becomes so unmanageable that it manifests itself in other ways.  Uncontrollable mood swings, bad food choices, depressive states.

Not only that, but they predetermine our reactions, much like developing a habit, how you well  understand your emotions will always determine how you behave and react.

So, how do we deal with it all?

I have good news and not so good news.

The good news is yes, these built up emotions can be dealt with.... but the not so good news, it takes a lot of work.  The kind of work that requires you to reach deep down into the cavernous depths where you keep those hard feelings locked away and bring them to the surface.  Once there you need to be nose to nose with your opposition and hold your own.

It has a lot to do with understanding where you've been, if you want to plan where you need to go.

It's not easy, but anything worth while rarely is.

Are you up for the challenge?

If you are, let me know and I'll gladly help guide you to a happier, healthier place in your emotional well-being :)

1 comment:

  1. this will be a life lesson for the person who will eventually be a coach and then be able to guide many others in their journey to a better place.
