Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Emotional Wellness - Part One - What is emotional wellness?

Your journey begins and ends with your emotional wellness.

It's imperative that you have the ability to recognize how important your emotions are.

Those feelings dictate so much of our lives.  They become so automatic we don't even realize it's happening most of the time.  Think about the last time you were quick to anger or sensitive to what someone was saying.

When we do realize how much we are effected by something emotionally, we suck it up, sweep it under the rug or do whatever we need to, to keep on truckin'.  Think about a time when you just couldn't deal with it but had to keep going regardless of how you felt.

The problem with that process is that it doesn't just go away.  It's builds up, it piles up and it becomes so unmanageable that it manifests itself in other ways.  Uncontrollable mood swings, bad food choices, depressive states.

Not only that, but they predetermine our reactions, much like developing a habit, how you well  understand your emotions will always determine how you behave and react.

So, how do we deal with it all?

I have good news and not so good news.

The good news is yes, these built up emotions can be dealt with.... but the not so good news, it takes a lot of work.  The kind of work that requires you to reach deep down into the cavernous depths where you keep those hard feelings locked away and bring them to the surface.  Once there you need to be nose to nose with your opposition and hold your own.

It has a lot to do with understanding where you've been, if you want to plan where you need to go.

It's not easy, but anything worth while rarely is.

Are you up for the challenge?

If you are, let me know and I'll gladly help guide you to a happier, healthier place in your emotional well-being :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Food Addiction

Food Addiction.

It's a thing.

Like a real thing, that people struggle with on a daily basis.

When we hear the word addiction, we think about drugs or alcohol, and maybe gambling as of late.  But we don't normally think about food.

I feel that's mostly because we need to feed ourselves to survive.

But truthfully the idea that we would use food to cope and manage the hard times in our life, makes sense.

I found this article about addiction, in particular food addiction.  It's important to understand the physical side of addiction, as much as it is to understand the emotional and mental side of it.

This subject is the epicenter to my passion, and drive!

Stay tune for more, as I learn, I hope.. so do you!


Friday, January 2, 2015

How Much Water is Too Much Water?

How Much Water is Too Much Water?

Water, glorious water.  Nectar of the Gods for the human body.  We all know that in order to keep hydrated we need to be drinking plenty of water!  It does so many wonderful things for your body, it's hard to say anything bad about it!  I, for one, love drinking additives (lemon, crystal light, etc) needed.  I know that is not how it is for everyone but you gotta do what you gotta do to get the right amount of water in.

Now here is where I need your weigh in!  How much water is too much water?  After reading the article linked below, I was jazzed and wanted to see if I to, could do this, and how it would benefit me!  But upon speaking with some of my co-workers (who are in the business of health care) they said that 1 gallon is too much because you will flush everything out and if you are on medication that it would flush all of that out too.

Woman Drinks Gallon of Water a Day and the Results Are Shocking

So, here is my question to you:

How much water should a man and a woman (respectively) drink in one day?

I've heard 8 - 8 oz glasses, I've heard 2.2 litres.  But what is it really?  And I don't want a minimum amount, I want the amount that is important to living your healthiest!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!! :)

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Eve of a New Year, My Year

I am consistent, if not anything.  I consistently let life overwhelm me, and I consistently begin to try to take control.  I often ask myself, how many times am I going to keep trying.  And the strong defiant self inside me, whispers, as many times as it takes to get it right.

I have not quit, I will not quit.

That is why I am sitting here on the eve of a new year, writing out my intentions.  I feel, now that my life has gained some stability that I can center myself and truly make an effort.  The right kind of effort.  Not the effort that brings you money, or love, or the admiration of others.  The kind of effort that I deserve to spend on me!  That's right, this quest is solely for my benefit.  But, since I also feel, I am not really alone in these desires, I am going to bare my soul for the world to see.  In hopes that if I can not only inspire others to take better care of themselves, then maybe they will not feel so alone in their struggles.

There are many reasons I have picked the image above.  Since I am an Aries, (a ram) and this is Chinese year of the sheep.  It has diamonds, bling, shinies, which I love and want to shine as bright.  And 2015 is my #takecharge year. I will betaking charge of my life, my health and my happiness.

This year, in my 35th year, I will gift myself, the gift of health, beauty and happiness.  I will be 35 in April.  I feel that I need to start being more accountable to my needs that are important to my health and well being.

I will gift myself with health by doing the following:

  • Drinking at least 1.5 litres of water daily
  • Eating clean, simple ingredients - meal planning
  • Being active for 30 minutes a day minimum
     I will start doing these on January 5th, 2015, it's a Monday, and seems fitting that it should begin then.  This will be a complete lifestyle change for me, this is not a fad, nor a quick fix.  I want to be healthy for whatever life throws as me, and god willing, pregnancy, should I be so lucky.

I will gift myself with beauty by researching and adapting a new way to clean my skin, with plant based products
  • Cedar tea will be first on my list of a new way to wash my face and skin!
Also I will start blogging again about make up products and hair styles that I love.  This will probably have something to do with being happy, but I feel like when I do my hair and sometimes put on a little mascara and lip gloss, that I can take on anything.  I feel confident and put together.

I will give myself the gift of happiness by researching and adapting different self esteem activities to learn how to love and respect myself.  I know being grateful, being able to see the good in me, will help me move mountains.  Metaphorically speaking, of course, unless magic is also a possibility ;)

I write this manifesto, not to air my dirty laundry, but to keep myself accountable,  I feel different this time, I'm excited but also well aware of the struggles I will face.  This will not be easy, but these adventures rarely are.  I can only hope I have the strength to prove to myself that I can do this!

I hope you will join me on my journey!   

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tidbits, not timbits :)

I know, I know you. You can't see much! That's the point! The big reveal will happen soon! Stay tuned, May 25th is the big day  until them enjoy these little tidbits and see where this journey is taking us all!! #21dayfix #beachbody #lovelife #lovemyteam #power #feelsgood

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

There is always lipstick....

You know my grandma has never left home without her lipstick, even when she went fishing, she wore lipstick. Maybe she was onto something